Art Projects For Kids: Alien and Robot Portraits · Craftwhack

Robot and alien portrait painting project. Awesome art projects for kids and other creative people •

Alien and robot portrait painting project. Art projects for kids and other creative people •

Since aliens and robots are some of the coolest creatures ever to grace our imaginations, we decided to pay tribute to them by making formal conflicting and robot portrait paintings. Can't you lot only see a museum wing dedicated to showcasing the near important of all aliens and robots- consummate with gaudy gilded frames?


  • Oval wooden plaques (find at craft stores)
  • Gesso
  • Acrylic Paints
  • Paintbrushes
  • Permanent blackness mark

wooden plaques

Prepare your wooden plaques by giving them 2 coats of gesso, letting them dry completely in between coats. Tin can y'all tell I have a Starbucks addiction?

gessoed boards

Using pencil, draw your best robots and aliens on top of the dried gesso. Traditional portraits normally end at around the breast of the subject field.

drawings on plaques

Go over the pencil lines with black permanent mark or black pigment applied with a sparse paintbrush. Fill up in your drawings with your option of colors and admire your handiwork! We painted around the edges of the plaques to give them the feeling of being framed.

Robot and alien portrait painting project. Awesome art projects for kids and other creative people •

For hanging purposes: Have a parent drill a i/ii″ hole in the dorsum toward the peak of the plaque and hang it right on a screw or nail. Or…. utilize those fancy little 3M thingies:


What practice yous think?

Joanne Gonzales has a passion for getting artistic. Whether she is making personalized DIY gifts or taking function in larger craft projects, she puts her all into making new and beautiful things.

She lives with a group of shut friends and believes in the natural fashion of life. Joanne has built an outdoor arts and crafts gallery that overlooks the countryside in her hometown, which is where all of her creations come up to life.

Fine art started off as a hobby, but over time Joanne has mastered her skills and sold some of her favorite pieces. She works full time as a florist and has done for many years. It helps proceed her creative juices flowing and she hopes to ane solar day open her ain florist shop with a twist.


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