Funny Memes When Men Dont Listen to Women in the Workplace
Men are strange creatures. We like to think of ourselves as strong individuals who are phased by nothing. In reality, this is often not the case. We can get emotional and upset by things. We also share many conflicting opinions to women. Men see the world differently. This can sometimes get us in trouble and cause misunderstandings. It can also result in some very funny moments. These hilarious takes on men and their views on life are often highlighted in memes about men.
There is a meme about men for just about every situation or opinion. Some of these address serious issues with a funny take, while others point out the stupidity or aloofness of men. If you feel some way about something, there is surely a meme to illustrate your point.
So without further ado, here are 35 memes about men that will have you cracking up.
1. Time To Settle Down
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Suffering from commitment issues? This funny relationship meme is for you.
2. She Must Be on Her Period
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You never blame your partner's mood on her period, with this meme hilariously depicting what many think about that time of the month.
3. Real Men…
This great meme ties in Spider-Man to the way men should act. All it is missing is Spider-Man, be that Tobey Maguire, Andrew Garfield, or Tom Holland. A great .
4. Men Are Dogs
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Men and dogs actually share some good qualities. Maybe there is actually something to this one?
5. Who Said Men Can't Multitask?
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There is a common perception that men can't multitask. This meme puts that theory to bed.
6. Early Airport Arrival
Who else's dad is like this? Achievement unlocked.
7. Working Hard
Here is a relatable meme. How many of you say you had a hard day at work but in reality spent the day messing about? Another great Spider-Man reference too.
8. Sticks and Stones
Who doesn't love finding a stick? Even better when you get to use it while hiking.
9. Will You Still Love Me?
How is it that your loved one always seems to ask these types of questions at such inappropriate times? You can just feel Ben Affleck's pain. A great sure to cause plenty of .
10. Don't Forget the Rings
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This is not a situation you want to find yourself in. This guy's facials sum up exactly how you would feel.
11. Remember Ice Cube?
Yellow Octopus
This is more of a classic dad joke but is funny enough to make the list.
12. When She Wants a Real Man
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It's fair if she wants a real man, but if that's the case, we would also like a real woman.
13. Not a Rabbit
Yellow Octopus
As the old saying goes, "you don't make friends with salad."
14. If Women Ruled the World
Saying Memes
Chris Rock features as part of this amusing meme.
15. Why Women Live Longer
It's hard to disagree with this internet meme. Men really do some stupid things sometimes.
16. Men Have Feelings Too
Quick Meme
Of course, we feel. Hungry that is.
17. Call Me Italian
Yellow Octopus
When you successfully heat up the pizza and feel like a true Italian. Bonus points for its meme including Mac DeMarco.
18. I Don't Take Orders From Beardless Men
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This one is self-explanatory.
19. Always Looking For Alternative Solutions
Got to love a guy who looks at all the angles.
20. All Men Are Pigs
Take a minute to think about this one.
21. Porn the Great Equalizer
Nothing brings men together like porn.
22. Four Moods
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It's hard to argue with this great meme.
23. Men Are Observant
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And women say men aren't observant or don't pay attention to the little details?
24. All Men Are Created Equal
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This hilarious meme uses The Office's Dwight Schrute to let you know that no, not all men are created equal.
25. Drink Responsibly
Facebook/Mad Men Meme
Another funny meme many men can relate to.
26. Tell Me Your Mobile Password
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If there is one thing men don't want to reveal it's what's on their phones.
27. What You Really Look Like
While it would be amazing if you really looked like Aquaman, it's probably not the case.
28. Pallet Jack
Ain't that the truth!
29. The Last Drop
Don't you just hate it when this happens? You think you're all good to go and then a little bit more comes out. Life can be cruel.
30. 6 in 1
While you can buy separate bottles of shampoo and conditioner, why not get one that combines both? This funny meme is all about making the most of your options.
31. Too Long
Everyone loves a good penis joke now and then. They work well as memes also.
32. How Men Wash the Dishes
This meme is nothing but the truth.
33. That's Not Going Anywhere
This meme speaks nothing but the truth. This is something you always hear your dad say when you were younger and a phrase you will say when you get to his age.
34. He Only Wants One Thing
This popular meme has been doing the rounds for many years. It features a woman imagining what her man is thinking about and what the man is actually thinking about, which is always the complete opposite. There are so many variations of this meme, but this one is quite funny and should give you a laugh.
35. Label the Plugs
When you take what she says literally. This original meme is sure to generate a few laughs.

Jared studied at Medill School of Journalism before starting his writing career. As a staff writer at Next Luxury, he is passionate about helping men live life to the fullest.
Jared studied at Medill School of Journalism before starting his writing career. As a staff writer at Next Luxury, he is passionate about helping men live life to the fullest.
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