Do I Need a Liberal Arts Minor to Get a Business Minor in Baruch

Industrial Psychology Degree: Great Minors

Industrial psychology is a highly flexible field. Also known as organizational psychology, industrial psychology is the study of the attitudes and behaviors of people in work settings.

These degrees can exist applied to a broad range of career opportunities depending on your area of concentration and the minor you select. Considering this is such a wide field, at that place are many minors that pair well with an industrial psychology degree.

Related resource: x Well-nigh Affordable Peak-Ranked Master's in Industrial-Organizational Psychology

Getting a minor forth with your major in industrial psychology tin help yous accelerate your job search. Too, expanding your studies to modest areas is a corking way to explore areas of involvement that relate well to psychology.

Let's explore some pop minors that you might consider equally you continue your industrial psychology studies.

Product Direction

Production Management is a Minors that Pair Well with an Industrial Psychology Degree1 minor that pairs quite well with an industrial psychology degree is production management.

Also known as operations management, product direction is an expanse of business that ensures organizational operations run smoothly through proper planning and controls. This oftentimes involves a variety of important tasks such as designing and overseeing quality assurance programs, and monitoring and evaluating organizational processes.

Production management also involves creating strategies to better productivity and efficiency. In that location is a component of designing and implementing effective grooming programs as well.

So, if you minor in this field, you might employ the skills you gain to help develop an employee training program. Cartoon on your production management knowledge, the programme you lot develop would include specific instructions for employees that introduce them to their jobs. Likewise, the training plan might introduce new employees to the process by which their supervisors will evaluate their chore performance.

This is a simple example, but the thought of all production direction tasks is the same – to ensure a visitor maximizes its production value.


Folklore is an excellent minor for industrial psychology majors. Where your psychology studies focus on the behaviors of individuals, folklore takes a broader await at the interactions among and between groups of people.

When you enter the workforce as an industrial psychologist, y'all volition near assuredly have job duties that circumduct around groups of people in the workplace – direction, executives, laborers, and then forth. You will also be charged with using your understanding of consumer groups and their behavior to advance company goals. This is where a sociology minor can come in handy.

From learning about organizational structures to public policy, race relations to demography, the skills you gain in a sociology minor tin help yous depict and explain group behavior. More to the indicate, it can help you predict group behavior and fifty-fifty strive to control it besides. In brusque, the sociological perspective is an ideal companion to the psychological perspective y'all develop in your industrial psychology major.


Marketing is likewise a terrific small-scale that pairs well with an industrial psychology degree. Not just does marketing involve constructive production and service promotion, but a large part of marketing also involves studying consumer beliefs, consumer needs, and consumer wants. Additionally, marketing involves the assay of buying patterns and trends in consumer purchasing.

To ensure the success of any product or service, marketing professionals must exist able to determine what types of products and services are in demand. They must as well exist able to discern what types of products and services would be successful on the market. To do this, they must have excellent research, communications, and interpersonal skills.

With a background in both marketing and industrial psychology, y'all might gain employment as a marketing consultant. This position requires yous to accept an intimate understanding of homo behavior, which you would have from your psychological studies. It likewise requires that you understand the fundamentals of marketing we discussed above, similar consumer behavior and purchasing trends.

If y'all're interested in why people make the consumer decisions they exercise (and in influencing those behaviors with effective marketing), a modest in marketing would be a great choice.

Earth Languages

World Languages are a Minors that Pair Well with an Industrial Psychology DegreeGlobalization all simply ensures that businesses and organizations of all sizes will have dealings with other businesses in all corners of the world.

And even if you lot aren't involved in the business organisation side of things – perhaps you lot piece of work exclusively with employees – you lot might however be asked to provide services to branches in multiple countries.

As a result, knowing more than your native linguistic communication can help you carry out your duties if traveling abroad. If you're a native English speaker, y'all will find that in many countries, many people speak English fluently. But hoping that the people with whom you need to interact speak English isn't much of a strategy.

While you can't predict what linguistic communication would exist the all-time for your hereafter career, you can certainly focus your small studies on a common language. Chinese, Spanish, English language, Hindi, and Arabic are among the virtually widely spoken languages in the globe. Choosing one of these as your minor could become a long way in advancing your career.

Human Resource Management

Some other minor that is a great match for industrial psychology caste majors is homo resources management.

These two fields are quite similar. On the i hand, industrial psychologists might develop employee screening tools, devise recruitment strategies, and conduct pre-employment testing. On the other hand, human resource managers might implement employee evaluation programs, mediate employee conflicts, and oversee payroll.

Human resource managers must besides be able to fully sympathise typical employee beliefs and attitudes so that they can effectively oversee the hiring and preparation of an organizational staff. This agreement of human behavior is precisely what you learn in your industrial psychology courses.

There is a lot of overlap between homo resource direction and industrial psychology, but the fields are 2 distinct career areas. In addition to educational and salary differences, industrial psychologists and human resource managers go well-nigh their jobs a niggling differently.

For example, an industrial psychologist might offer recommendations on bacon and benefits packages that will concenter the best chore candidates. Then, a human resource manager might be responsible for developing those salary and benefits packages and implementing them for employees. Think of industrial psychologists as being the "idea people" and the man resource managers as being those who bring those ideas to fruition.


Many industrial psychology majors finish up starting their ain private practice or consulting firm. This necessitates having some level of business organisation acumen, which you tin develop in a minor in entrepreneurship.

These minors often focus on basic business and marketing courses, similar introduction to business, microeconomics, and bookkeeping. Some minors might also include courses on concern determination-making, business communications, and accounting.

Regardless of the specific courses that are included in the minor, entrepreneurship classes volition give you the essential business skills you lot need to launch and sustain your own business. And fifty-fifty if you don't enter private practise, having a background in entrepreneurship will be beneficial for you in many other industrial psychology careers.

For example, every bit an industrial psychologist, you might exist asked to research consumer behavior as part of a plan to introduce a new product to the market. With an understanding of business practices, economic science, and marketing, you'll be better equipped to provide sound recommendations regarding how to coil out the new product and pique the interests of as many consumers as possible.


Industrial psychology degree majors who would like to piece of work in inquiry after graduation may desire to consider minoring in statistics.

Statistics is an surface area of mathematics that helps researchers understand averages and probability ratings when evaluating data compiled from sources like quantitative surveys and experiments.

This type of research is oftentimes used in marketing when determining such things as buying trends and other consumer behaviors. For example, a statistician might analyze the probability of a production or service'due south success after introduction to a target market. As another example, you might examine the types of possible consumers for a product or service in terms of consumer demographic data and statistics nigh typical purchasing behavior.

Computer Science

Computer Science is a Minors that Pair Well with an Industrial Psychology DegreeA minor in computer science could prove to be helpful for you lot as an industrial psychology major.

Many industrial psychology careers are heavily involved in research. With research comes the need to evaluate and analyze data. Computer programs are a central component of this process.

By minoring in calculator science, you will learn about general computer science skills besides every bit develop specific hard skills that enable yous to more quickly and efficiently analyze data.

In many cases, computer science minors include coursework in programs like Java. Additionally, you'll likely have classes in math, algorithms, and systems analysis. Some discrete mathematics will likely be required, equally will coursework in data structures and object-oriented programming.

Just these skills aren't just helpful for research applications. You can too use them to streamline processes like employee preparation. For example, yous might write a figurer programme to create an interactive online employee training transmission. Not only would this let new employees to accept part in their training from anywhere they can access a computer, merely it would likely too relieve fourth dimension and money, which volition please any business concern or organisation.

Full general Business organization

General business organization is a nifty pocket-sized for industrial psychology majors who are unsure of what type of career they may seek after graduation.

Students who cull this minor volition be required to study several areas of business including:

  • Accounting
  • Operations direction
  • Marketing
  • Retail
  • Human resources
  • Consumer behavior
  • Business concern management

This minor, when paired with an industrial psychology degree, tin prepare students for a broad range of occupations. You might become an bookkeeping consultant, a marketing director or director, or even a social media specialist. Other options include retail and sales managing director, human being resources specialist, or a business organisation consultant.


Whether you're mediating a conflict between employees, doing an get out interview, or working with an executive team to create a visitor vision, advice skills are paramount. This being the example, a minor in communications can help you lot fulfill your job duties.

Beingness a psychologist requires that you have good communication skills to begin with. You need to be able to speak with individuals, small-scale groups, and big groups alike. Active listening skills are a must as well. You should also accept excellent written advice skills – later on all, your position every bit an industrial psychologist will come with plenty of paperwork.

Depending on the school you lot attend, a pocket-size in communications might include coursework in:

  • Public relations
  • Interpersonal communications
  • Mass media
  • Principles of advertising
  • Media and culture

These kinds of courses would be highly benign for you in a concern environs. Every bit an case, taking a form in media and civilization will aid yous understand how people of different cultures collaborate with different types of media. This, in turn, could help you lot provide informed input regarding how your company should market a new product or service.

Looking Alee to Your Career

Industrial psychology majors have many fantastic areas that they can choose to specialize in. You tin can work in business or industry, for the government or military, or in the education sector, merely to name a few options. Of course, with the addition of ane of the minors on this list, you can expand your career possibilities fifty-fifty farther.

When choosing a minor, call back purposefully about your career goals. Ask yourself which small-scale is most applicable to your called field and how the coursework in a minor will assistance fix yous better for the world of work.

If possible, also consult with someone that is already working in your desired field to become some advice most the management y'all should get with your pocket-size. If you don't know anyone working in industrial psychology, inquire your professors if they have any connections. Getting the real-world input of someone that works in the field tin help direct your attention toward a small that will do good you the most.

Whether you choose a minor from this listing or explore a different selection, extending your education to another area of written report volition do you well. Non only volition yous graduate with a greater base of operations of knowledge and skills, just you lot'll also be more attractive to potential employers because of your enhanced on-the-job capabilities. It'south a win-win!

Sean Jackson

B.A. Social Studies Education | University of Wyoming

K.S. Counseling | University of Wyoming

B.S. Information Technology | University of Massachusetts

Related Resources:

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