A God Who Descended Into the Underworld Then Rises Again Renewed
Hathor is an aboriginal Egyptian goddess associated, later, with Isis and, earlier, with Sekhmet but eventually was considered the primeval goddess from whom all others were derived. She is ordinarily depicted equally a woman with the head of a cow, ears of a cow, or merely in cow form.
In her grade every bit Hesat she is shown as a pure white cow carrying a tray of food on her head as her udders menstruation with milk. She is closely associated with the primeval divine cow Mehet-Weret, a sky goddess whose name means "Great Flood" and who was idea to bring the flood of the Nile River which fertilized the land.
Through this association, Hathor came to be regarded equally the mother of the sun god Ra and held a prominent place in his barge as it sailed across the night sky, into the underworld, and rose again at dawn. Her name means "Domain of Horus" or "Temple of Horus" which alludes to ii concepts. The kickoff allusion is to the part of the sky where the king (or dead king) could exist rejuvenated and go along dominion (or alive once again) while the 2d is to the myth that Horus, as sun god, entered her mouth each night to rest and returned with the dawn. In both cases, her name has to exercise with re-nativity, rejuvenation, inspiration, and light. Her relationship with the sky identified her with Venus, the evening and morning star.
The sistrum is her instrument which she used to drive evil from the land and inspire goodness. She is the patron goddess of joy, celebration, and love and was associated with Aphrodite by the Greeks and with Venus by the Romans. She was ever, from the primeval times, associated with women and women'south wellness in body and in listen. In fourth dimension, women came to identify with Hathor in the afterlife the same way that, previously, all people identified with the god Osiris. She was an immensely popular and influential goddess. Scholar Geraldine Compression comments on this, writing:
Hathor was the golden goddess who helped women to requite birth, the dead to be reborn, and the cosmos to be renewed. This complex deity could function equally the mother, consort, and daughter of the creator god. Many lesser goddesses came to be regarded every bit "names" of Hathor in her contrasting benevolent and destructive aspects. She was nigh commonly shown as a beautiful woman wearing a red solar disk between a pair of cow'south horns. (137)
The scarlet solar deejay, likewise as a number of Hathor's personal attributes, would come to be associated with the later goddess Isis. In time, Isis absorbed more than and more of the characteristics of Hathor until she supplanted her as the most pop and widely worshipped in Egypt.
Mythical Origins
Although in fourth dimension she came to exist considered the ultimate personification of kindness and love, she was initially literally a claret-thirsty deity unleashed on flesh to punish humans for their sins. An ancient text, The Book of the Heavenly Cow (from the Center Kingdom, 2040-1782 BCE), similar to that of the biblical overflowing, tells of the bang-up god Ra becoming enraged at human ingratitude and evil and releasing Hathor upon humanity to destroy them. Hathor descends on the world in a fury of destruction, killing everyone she finds and toppling their cities, burdensome their homes and tearing upward fields and gardens so transforms into the goddess Sekhmet.
At first, Ra is pleased because humanity had forgotten him and the gifts of the gods and had turned to only thinking of themselves and following after their own pleasure. He watches Sekhmet's swath of devastation with satisfaction until the other gods intervene and ask him to show mercy. They point out that Sekhmet is going too far in instruction this "lesson" to humanity and how, soon, there will exist no man beings left on earth to benefit from it.

The Goddess Hathor
Ra regrets his conclusion and devises a plan to terminate Sekhmet's blood animalism. He orders Tenenet, the Egyptian goddess of beer, to brew a particularly potent batch and and then has the beer dyed reddish and delivered to Dendera. Sekhmet, past this time, is crazed with the thirst for more blood and, when she comes upon the blood-cerise beer, she quickly seizes information technology and begins drinking.
She becomes drunkard, falls asleep, and wakes up as Hathor the chivalrous. Humanity was spared destruction and their old tormentor became their greatest benefactress. Following her transformation, Hathor bestowed only cute and uplifting gifts on the children of the globe and causeless such high condition that all the later goddesses of Egypt can be considered forms of Hathor. She was the primordial Mother Goddess, ruler of the heaven, the sun, the moon, agriculture, fertility, the east, the west, moisture and childbirth. Further, she was associated with joy, music, dearest, maternity, dance, drunkeness and, above all, gratitude.
Worship of Hathor
Hathor'due south cult middle was at Dendera, Arab republic of egypt, but she was widely regarded and worshipped throughout Egypt.
Dissimilar other deities of ancient Egypt, whose clergy needed to be of the aforementioned sex as the deity they served, those who served Hathor could be men or women. Hathor'southward cult center was at Dendera only she was widely regarded and worshipped throughout Egypt to the extent that she was also honored as a goddess of the afterlife in The Field of Reeds.
Originally, when i died in ancient Egypt, whether male or female person, one assumed the likeness of Osiris (lord and guess of the dead) and was blessed past his qualities of moral integrity. Then popular was Hathor, all the same, that, in fourth dimension, the female dead who were deemed worthy to cantankerous intothe paradise of The Field of Reeds assumed Hathor'southward likeness and qualities while the male person dead continued to exist associated with Osiris. Geraldine Pinch writes:
The Coffin Texts and the Book of the Dead have spells to aid the deceased live forever as a follower of Hathor. In a Belatedly Menses story, Hathor rules the underworld, emerging to punish those who bear unjustly on world. By the Greco-Roman period, expressionless women in the afterlife identified themselves with Hathor instead of Osiris. Information technology was but after Isis took over many of her attributes that Hathor lost her identify as the most important of Egyptian goddesses. (139)
Hathor'southward popularity is attested to by the number of pocket-sized goddesses who shared her attributes and were considered aspects of the Mother Goddess. The most important of these were the Vii Hathors who were nowadays at the nascence of a man and decreed their fate. Hathor was, in early times, worshipped in the class of a cow or as a cow with stars higher up her. Afterwards she was pictured as a adult female with the head of a cow and, later yet, as a woman complete with a human face merely sometimes with the ears or horns of a moo-cow.
The Seven Hathors shared these attributes only also had a scarlet ribbon which they used to bind evil forces and dark demons. The Seven Hathors were venerated highly in life for their ability to assistance in matters of love and protection from damage and, after expiry, for their protective abilities against the forces of darkness.

Chain with Hathor Heads
As a goddess who transcended life and decease, Hathor was widely worshipped and came to exist idenified with a deity known as The Afar Goddess. This is a goddess who abandons her begetter Ra and assumes the form of a wild feline to elude whatever attempts to find her or grab her. She vanishes into the distant desert and hides in the arid plains. This goddess was linked with transformation and was identified with Mehit, a protective goddess, with Sekhmet, Bastet, Mut, and others but quite often with Hathor as in The Book of the Heavenly Cow in which Hathor herself is transformed as well every bit the universe and humanity'south relationship with the gods.
When the Distant Goddess eludes Ra's control, a god is sent along past Ra to notice his daughter and bring her home and, when this happens, she brings with her the inundation of the Nile River which overflowed its banks and brought life to the people. Earlier she released the life-giving waters, however, she had to exist placated and shown appreciation. Geraldine Pinch writes:
When the Distant Goddess returned, she brought the inundation with her, but she had to be pacified with music, dancing, feasting, and drunkenness. This was the mythical justification for the wild, ecstatic elements in Hathor's cult. It was proper for the whole of creation to rejoice when Hathor appeared again in all her radiant beauty and joined forces with her father. (138)
Compression notes that this union of Hathor and her creator-father "could be thought of in sexual terms or, more abstractly, as a merging of the creator with his own active ability" (138). An example of this is the role Hathor plays in one of the versions of the story of The Contendings of Horus and Set which continues the tale of the Osiris Myth.
Hathor and The Osiris Myth
After Set murdered Osiris and then hacked him into pieces, he scattered the trunk parts all across the country and flung some into the Nile. Isis gathered all the parts of her husband back together with the assistance of her sister Nephthys and brought Osiris dorsum to life simply he was incomplete because a fish had eaten his penis and it could not be restored. Isis then transformed herself into a kite (a falcon) and flew effectually Osiris' torso, drawing his seed into her and becoming pregnant with Horus. Osiris so descended into the underworld to become Lord of the Dead while Isis was left solitary to raise her son and Set usurped Osiris' identify as rex of the land.
Isis hid Horus from Prepare until the boy was grown; at which bespeak Horus challenged Set for rule of the land. This struggle is sometimes represented equally a battle simply, in the story known every bit The Contendings of Horus and Set, information technology is a trial overseen by the Ennead, a tribunal of nine powerful gods, who are to make up one's mind who is rightful king. Chief among these gods is Hathor'southward father Ra who, at one indicate becomes and so upset with the proceedings, he refuses to participate. Geraldine Pinch relates the rest of the story:
Ra becomes angry when he is insulted by the birdie god Babi and lies down on his back. This implies that the creator lord's day god was sinking dorsum into the inert state that would mean the end of the earth. Hathor, Lady of the Southern Sycamore, visits her father and shows him her genitals. He immediately laughs, gets upwardly, and goes dorsum to administering justice. Hathor has angry the sun god and driven abroad his evil mood. (138)
Although clearly a sexual gesture, the abstruse interpretation is of the importance of balance between the feminine and the masculine principles in maintaining society and harmony. Hathor reveals herself to her father in an unexpected gesture which lightens his mood and puts things in perspective. The rest between the duality of feminine and the masculine, between light and nighttime, fertility and aridity is emphasized throughout Egyptian culture in the gods and the myths relating to them.

The Temple of Hathor
Hathor and the Eye of Ra
This balance is seen in the concept of the Middle of Ra, the female conterpart to the male attribute of creation embodied in Ra. The Eye of Ra, similar the Distant Goddess, was associated with a number of female deities but, once more, often Hathor. Geraldine Pinch notes that "the ancient Egyptian word for eye (irt) sounded similar a word for "doing" or "acting". This may be why the eyes of a deity are associated with divine power at its most interventional. Since the word irt was feminine in gender, divine eyes were personified as goddesses" (128). The Distant Goddess story is really an Middle of Ra story in that the feminine aspect of the divine goes forth, acts upon its environment, and returns to bring transformation. This is clearly evident in The Book of the Heavenly Moo-cow in which Hathor is identified as the Eye of Ra who will bring destruction to humanity but eventually transforms their human relationship with the divine.
This same blueprint is seen in the creation tale featuring Atum (Ra) and the ben-ben when he sends his children out with his eye to create the world. Hathor was often referred to equally "The Center of Ra" or "The Eye of Atum" and her sun deejay is often represented as an eye from which the sun is built-in. In the story of the sun god's voyage through the night sky and the underworld, Hathor stands in the prow keeping watch for any sign of danger from Apophis. Throughout Egyptian history she was known as the daughter of Nut and Ra, Married woman of Ra, mother of gods, and keen Female parent Goddess (perhaps related to the even older goddess Neith) then it is no surprise that pop stories such as the Distant Goddess or concepts like the Center of Ra would tend to feature her.
Some ancient stories describe her as the mother of Horus the Elderberry and others as the wife of Horus of Edfu, resulting in the birth of Horus the Younger who was later regarded equally the son of Osiris and Isis. Hathor's early on identification as the mother of Horus, the god most closely associated with the ruler of Arab republic of egypt, attests clearly to her importance prior to the rise in popularity of the Myth of Osiris when Isis became Horus' mother. Hathor was worshipped in every region of Egypt before the ascent of Isis and her cult was popular with both the poor working class of Arab republic of egypt and the ruling elite.

The Tomb of Horemheb
The Five Gifts of Hathor
A part of the initiation into her cult appears to have been a ritual known every bit The Five Gifts of Hathor, a poorly attested rite possibly from the period of the New Kingdom, in which a communicant would be asked to name the v things they were most grateful for while looking at the fingers of their left paw. Every bit the poor of Egypt did non own their own land, but labored for others in the fields, their left manus was e'er visible to them equally they reached out to harvest grain which would and then be cut by the bract in their right hand.
By naming the v things ane was grateful for, and identifying them with the fingers of the left hand, 1 was constantly reminded of the good things in one's life and this kept ane from the `gateway sin' of ingratitude from which, it was idea, all other sins followed. For the more flush of Egypt, considering the Five Gifts would have been a way to go along from envying those more prosperous than oneself and a means past which one was reminded to be humble in the face of the gods. This humility would testify itself by one'south service to others. Scholar Margaret Bunson comments on this:
In the Daily Purple Rites, as shown on temple reliefs, Hathor nursed the king or his priestly representative from her breasts, thus giving him the grace of office and the supernatural powers to protect Egypt. (107)
She served the king and his court as nurse and, by doing and then, fed all the people of Egypt every bit the prosperity of the land was intimately tied to the health, well-existence, and stability of the rex. If a goddess of Hathor's stature could freely serve others, it was idea, and so could anyone else. Hathor continued this service to humanity afterward death every bit Geraldine Pinch notes:
As the goddess of the West, Hathor welcomes the setting sunday into her outstretched arms. For both gods and people, Hathor eased the transition from expiry to new life. The time and manner of a person'south death was decreed by a sevenfold course of Hathor. Every bit Lady of the Necropolis, she opened the gates of the underworld. Equally a tree goddess, she revived the newly dead with shade, air, water, and food. The spirits of the expressionless could imbibe eternal life from the milk of the seven Hathor cows. (138-139)
Hathor'south humble service is depicted through inscriptions and texts throughout Egypt's history from the Early on Dynastic Period (c. 3150-2613 BCE) through the last dynasty to rule Egypt, the Ptolemaic Dynasty (323-30 BCE). In her earthly form equally a dairy cow, Hathor was known as Hesat, the wet-nurse to the gods, and is always associated with maternity, motherly instincts, and the care of others. Milk was known as `The beer of Hesat' and The Milky Way as seen in the night sky as well came to be associated with her equally it was considered a heavenly Nile River, the giver and sustainer of all life. As mistress of vocal and trip the light fantastic, of celebration and gratitude, bringer of life and comforter in expiry, Hathor embodied the heavenly Nile in all ways as she brought the best gifts of the gods to the people of earth.
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Source: https://www.worldhistory.org/Hathor/
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