Hold You Close and Never Let You Go Again Please Hear Th

Can't Wait to See You Quotes
Can't Wait to See You Quotes

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Can't wait to see you Quotes

Can't Wait To Be With You Quotes for Him

1. A day without a loved one is like a thousand years of bondage.
Your presence is needed just like the air you breathe. I can't wait to see you back home.

2. Every second takes ages to tick, and every day takes centuries to pass, even the sun takes time to rise.
I'm so tired of waiting, and I can't wait to see you again.

3. Another day is gone, and I'm not kissing or touching you.
I try to be strong, but I do miss you so much, I can't wait to hold you again.

5. Someone remembers someone cares, someone is missing you. That person can't wait to kiss you, Darling.

6. Your memories put a smile on my face.
You are not with me right now, but I do feel your presence.
I can't wait for you to return. I miss you.

7. I think of you when I'm awake and dream of you when I'm sleeping.
Everything I do revolves around by you.
I can't wait to see you, my love.

8. Something about you is addictive; maybe it's your smile, your talks or your presence.
I miss all this and can't wait another day to see you.

9. Keep me In your heart as you are far away from me because you have been in my heart from the day we last saw.
I look forward to seeing you soon.

10. Even if I can write to you and talk to you through the distance, I still can't wait to see you because I want to kiss and feel your body.

11. I miss you so much and can't wait to be in your arms.
I love you so much and cannot wait for you to return.

Can't Wait To Be With You Quotes for Her

12. The memories we share makes me anxious to see you each time I think of them.
Even if these memories make me smile, I still want to see you, baby.

13. I'm thinking of you right now. Maybe you're thinking of me too, but all I want is for you to know that you're always on my mind.

14. I wish I could think of you without missing you.
Telling me not to miss you much is like reducing the air I breathe.

15. Losing you is a heartache I wish not to heal as long as you are not back.
I need you, and I can't wait to see you and stop this pain of missing you.

150 Deep Love Messages for Her

16. I miss you because I think of you.
I think of you because I love you.
I love you because no other person deserves my love.

17. I think of you too often, can you please come home? I can't wait to see you once more and do things we love to do together.

18. I see several images of you going through my mind when I realized that I'd missed you so much.
Tell me when you will be back because I can't wait any longer to see you.

19. I miss you, I miss us, I miss what we used to be, and I can't wait to see you again.
I can't wait to hold you close.

20. You might be a thousand miles away.
You might be having a great time with great people.
You might be out of sight, but you are defiantly not out of my heart.

Can't Wait to See You Quotes

21. When I miss you I'm lost, when I think of you I'm home, I can't wait to see you one more time, hold you in my arms and keep you by my side forever.

22. There are many things I need to do with you. One of it is to stay up late discussing little that doesn't even matter.

23. Hey, I miss doing the crazy things we do together. I can't just wait to have you back. I want to hug and cuddle you till we sleep off in each other's arms.

24. There is no me without you. That's why I still expect you to come around and dance around the kitchen. When you lean over to open the fridge and plan with the knives, it's just so beautiful to be around you.

25. I miss being waked by your lips. Open my eyes to meet the most amazing eyes and the cutest lips saying good morning. I can't wait.

26. Everyone has things that impress them. You blow my mind away with the little things you do. You mean everything to me.

27. It's just different trying to be normal without you. I can't stop fantasizing how we brush our teeth beside each other and kiss afterward. You are just too sweet.

28. Your lips on my cheek are one thing I miss every morning. Your scent when we embrace at noon sweeps me off my feet. I can't wait to have this feeling again.

29. I miss you especially for all your silly jokes and watching your face curve into a beautiful smile. I have no desire to be away from you ever again.

30. I can't wait to cook your favorite meal and serve you the way you want. I want to hold you tight in a warm embrace and never let you stay far from me again.

Can't Wait To Be With You Quotes

31. All the memories we shared in the past keeps ringing in my heart. I can't wait to create more beautiful ones

32. I miss making faces at you while we brush our teeth. I miss holding close to my body while we play. I can't wait.

33. Nothing fills your absence. Nothing replaces your space. You are everything to me, and I cant w0lait to see you again.

34. There is nothing in life if I can't feel you hanging around me. I miss you so much that my heart cracks. I can't wait. I can't wait to have you back.

35. Everything has been the way you left them. I can't change them because I can't change threeling you give me.

100 You Are My Everything Quotes for Lovers

36. Since you went, I had nobody to hold my hand as I take a walk down the street. I can't wait to do those little things that make life memorable.

37. I can't wait to hold you tight. To feel like lovers and less of strangers. I can't wait to let you know that you make my world beautiful.

38. You stayed with me when everything was shakey. There is no life without you. I can't wait to be everything for you.

39. I can't wait to share the future with you. Let'sts do so many little things that will shape our future. Those little things mean a lot to me.

40. I miss the inside jokes, the laughter that bursts from our mouths during a date, the cuddling and affection. I can't wait to show you how much I love you.

I Can't Wait To Be With You Quotes for Lovers

41. Having you in my life makes every tiny, mundane moment becoming something beautiful. Your absence has taken everything away. I can't wait to see you.

42. When I see you walk through that door, I will kiss your cheeks, your neck, and shoulder. I will bite the tip of your ears and make you shiver. I can't wait to get started.

43. It is a long time now. I can't wait to listen to the sound of your breath while you sleep and imagine what you're dreaming of, I can't wait to sleep off in your arms, the safest place on earth.

44. I can't forget our first fight. It was soul-draining, but it was good because it made us understand ourselves better. I can't wait to have my perfect man.

45. I can't wait to go places with you, where we do nothing but rest in one another's arms and kiss each other's lips all day long.

46. Being around you for a while has taught me how to love genuinely, and I must confess, it gets better and better with the passing of each day.

47. My heart wants to love you, and my arms want to hug you, my lips want to kiss you. My world needs you all day. I can't wait to have you.

48. I wish all the beautiful little things with you. I want to spend the rest of my life with you. I can't wait to see that happen.

49. I want to love you until my heart bleeds. I want to care for you till I burn. There is none like you, and I can't wait to live with you.

50. I want to be with you and spend all our good and bad moments together. I can't wait to see what a future of you and me will look like, I can't wait to give all of my love to you.


Source: https://relishbay.com/can-t-wait-to-see-you-quotes-him-her/

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